Tech Trends that Improve Quality of Life


Innovators are making our lives more comfortable, safer and healthier. We are now seeing more innovations that can turn our issues into some progress. What do we think when someone mentions the quality of life with technology like healthcare equipment. Intelligent algorithms and connected sectors. Look at the different companies that have different areas using such techniques to improve their quality of life.

What exactly is the quality of life?

It is a term that describes someone’s level of well-being. It can cover both physical and mental, recreation and leisure, and the qualities of the environment around you. In the event of different technologies, the significant amount of innovations that have come to the surface is for improving and maintain our quality of life.

  • Mini sensors within our fitness trackers that give us advice on how to be more active and adopt a healthier lifestyle
  • Wireless communication enables our electrical systems blinds, lights and other devices to adapt to the changing environments around us.
  • Smart helmets that are designed to keep us safer and visible among traffic
  • Self-learning thermostats and ventilation systems that can automatically go for the optimal temperature and air quality without needing you to intervene.
  • Chair alarms commonly used in hospitals for patients who need to call out for further assistance and who may be too ill to speak.

Avoid air pollution and cook food in a bag

This is called the wonder bag. It is a fantastic innovation that is great for those who love to cook on an open fire. It allows your food to cook without you suffering from air pollution from the charcoal and firewood. Basically, all you need to do is to bring your food to a boil on the fire then remove it and place it in the bag to cook for no more than 12 hours. This saves energy, carbon emission and air pollution.

Bottle light bulbs

Allowing sustainable lighting into communities is the goal. This brings us an innovative technology that is simple and affordable, creating solar light bulbs. We are using recycled plastic bottles and other locally sourced materials to create the lamps that will light up everyone’s homes within needing electricity. This saves everyone money to spend on more important things, and it brings us a safer 

Medical drones

These types of drones get used to delivering medical supplies to those that live in hard to get to parts of Rwanda. They can carry medicines, blood and vaccines. Health worlds text in order of what medical supplies they want and then within a few minutes the drone is loaded and then launches travelling to its destination at 100km/h the amounts are then dropped using a paper parachute.

Hearing aids that are solar rechargeable

Around the world, people that are needing hearing aids are in the tens of millions. In developing countries, we see less than 4 per cent who can afford to buy one. The solar ear has solar rechargeable and very affordable hearing aids. They are very durable and highly resistant. The company even employs people who are dear to put the solar ear products together.


Wearable breast cancer sensor

In woman, common breast cancer is the most widespread form of cancer. Early detection is vital, which is what the auto exploration bra is used. The bra has 200 biosensors which can measure mammary colour, texture and the temperature. Neural networks and unique algorithms then analyse the result. The bra can connect to your smartphone, which offers a reliable and efficient finding that the self-examination checks you do.